Progress for me has never been a dream. It has always been a distant reality and once one milestone is achieved, there is always another one waiting to be crossed. It is with this belief we started Pradhan Industries in the year 1976, a firm which persued Graphite business and with the passage of time, Pradhan Industries became a prominent and synonymous in the field of Graphite business. Like every entrepreneur I also had a dream to take the business to new heights and reach the milestone which I had set out. More than being a national player, I always perceived my company as a unit that could make a difference with its quality assurance, Customer care and competitive products pricing. Mining being the most stressed business it did not deter me to expand Pradhan Industries. A business which is highly risky and sensitive, that requires a high amount of technical know-how, expertise and specialized knowledge to convert national waste to national gain.
Eventually I over came the challenges, with the active support and co-operation of my team members although the unit having been located in most backward area of the State. I relentlessly strived to find a balance between waste and wealth so as to be recognised as a contributor to the nation’s prosperity and wealth creation.
The journey of Pradhan Industries has been an exemplary where we could convert the failure to success. Last but not the least I also greatly owe my allegiance and success to my clients and well wishers and to my state establishments who have always extended their support and good wishes.