Pradhan Industries is committed to –
i.Provide Safe & Healthy Work Environment to its work men ii. Comply with all statutory requirements.
We firmly believe that –
i.All accidents are preventable and they must be prevented.
ii.Excellent safety & Health standards will improve overall business performance.
To make policy effective we shall –
i.Setup an organization for implementing safety & Health policy with defined responsibilities.
ii.Integrate Safety & health in awarding contracts, selection of personnel, procurement of material and work procedures.
iii.Inform, educate & train employees and public in the vicinity about the hazards and their preventive measure.
iv.Solve Safety issues through joint participative forum at department as well apex level.
v.Include factor of Safety & Health in performance appraisal system of employees and make them accountable.
vi.Conduct regular safety audits & other relevant studies for assessing safety & health status and remedial measures required.
vii.Make line Managers, Contractors, Suppliers and Transporters accountable for Safety & Health of their employees.
viii.Include the performance of Safety & health in annual report of the company.